Social Studies

The Social Studies Department challenges students to think critically, work collaboratively, and understand history from multiple perspectives.

Classes foster a partnership between students and instructors, encouraging learners to become independent thinkers who collaborate with teachers and peers to uncover and interpret information. By exploring historical events through various lenses, students engage with units or themes that inspire empathy, activism, and cultural literacy. This approach ensures that history is not taught solely from the victors' viewpoint, but from more inclusive and comprehensive perspectives. Along the way, students develop valuable skills in research, writing, and oral communication, preparing them for success in college and beyond.

At St. Edward, social studies courses provide a platform for students to find their voice, both in verbal and written expression.

The department's approach features roundtable discussions, seminars, debates, and simulations where every student engages deeply in conversation—building on each other's ideas and collectively arriving at a more nuanced understanding of the truth. From a pedagogical standpoint, these discussions are designed to encourage students to become inquirers and risk-takers. 


social studies offerings highlight historical analysis, social justice, and cultural literacy, with opportunities to explore specialized topics through various IB, AP, and elective courses.

Museum Photo

Classroom Highlight

A unique asset of the department is the Br. Bennet Nettleton, C.S.C. Museum, which provides a tangible connection to history. With artifacts, such as a Prussian helmet, authentic period flags, airplane models, Japanese swords, military medals, and more, the collection offers a hands-on learning experience.