Campus Farm

So much more than a garden—FarmSTED is a vibrant, living classroom where students learn, grow, and give back to the community.

St. Edward’s campus farm, affectionately known as FarmSTED, has quickly become a cornerstone of our educational and community service initiatives.

In its inaugural year alone, the garden produced 425 pounds of fresh produce! Today, the program thrives, with students, faculty, and community members all benefiting from this vibrant, bountiful project.

All Edsmen are welcome to participate in the planting and care of the garden—a process that gives them a comprehensive understanding of plant life cycles and the effects of temperature and water on growth. They also find great satisfaction in knowing that the produce they cultivate is donated to those in need. This hands-on initiative fosters valuable skills in problem-solving, critical thinking, and teamwork.

The FarmSTED cultivates a wide variety of crops for charitable distribution and sales.

  • Vegetables and Fruits: Tomatoes, carrots, lettuce, peppers, zucchini, cucumbers, apples, cherries, and elderberries
  • Pollinator Plants: Black-eyed Susans, coneflowers, and more
  • Honey: Produced by our rooftop bees and harvested by students
  • Eggs: Produced by our flock of 20+ chickens residing in a coop built by the 2022 IB Design Technology class

The FarmSTED also features a small grove of fruit trees, honoring the history of the land where our campus now stands, which was once an orchard.

Rooted in our Catholic faith, the FarmSTED embodies the principles of stewardship, community, and service. By caring for God’s creation, our students learn to appreciate the wonders of the natural world and their responsibility to protect it. 

FarmSTED has also become a gathering place for a diverse array of volunteers with students, as well as alumni, local business members, and the community getting involved. Volunteers use power tools to repair garden beds, apply organic fertilizers, care for chickens, weed, and water. The collaborative effort not only enriches the garden but also strengthens community bonds and promotes a sense of shared purpose.

We invite you to join us in this rewarding journey! Contact the program director to volunteer or purchase eggs and honey.
